Find out about Matt’s tour for this year. He plans to head out to schools up and down Scotland on his mission to educate and inspire.
Matt’s Macro offers free classroom sessions to primary schools in Scotland – for children to discover the magical macro world of wildlife.
Have you had any interesting animal interactions in your garden? If so “SpringTails” would love to see your videos, images and stories. This Brighton University research will run alongside Springwatch.
Donate to give England’s only wild beavers a chance and to play a role in one of the most exciting conservation projects of the twentieth-first century … and receive a reward.
Watch this series of short films where Chris explains what rewilding is, the need for land use to change in Britain, the benefits of rewilding and how to make a difference.
Chris’s appointment at the University of Lincoln will see him working with Life Science undergraduates to share his knowledge of wildlife and conservation.