Matt’s Macro on tour 2020
August 6, 2019
Following last years successful tour Matt’s Macro will be heading out to schools up and down Scotland in 2020 only this time he is offering BioBlitz Sessions.
What’s a BioBlitz?
The BioBlitz was First developed by Sam Droege in the USA in 1996, BioBlitzes are now held regularly in many countries and have been taking place in the UK since 2006. According to Wikipedia a BioBlitz is an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area. Groups of scientists, naturalists and volunteers conduct an intensive field study over a continuous time period (e.g., usually 24 hours).
Matt’s session won’t be as long as that description, basically he will pick an area in your school grounds or nearby and spend approximately 1-2 hours surveying the area seeing what wildlife can be found. This is a great informal and fun learning opportunity. Children and teachers get to go outside (teachers secretly cheering) and spend some time with the local wildlife, learning all about it n the process. You will be amazed at just what can be discovered. A treasure trove of nature goodies awaits.
Matt will be bringing some sweep nets, pots, trays, books, a spotting scope and some check lists for the pupils to use. Come rain or shine it will still go ahead so please make sure pupils have adequate clothing.
This year he’s hoping to be accompanied on some BioBlitzes by Ashleigh Whiffin. Ashleigh is Assistant Curator of Entomology at National Museums Scotland.
Booking details.
Cost: IT’S FREE!!!
Dates will be released soon, most likely the tour will run over the months of April and May. Matt is selling prints
on his website to fund the tour, and has also set up a
crowdfunding page here. If you would like your school to take part contact Matt
via his website. Please click “Email about the Bioblitz”.
Please download iRecord App before his visit so the data can be uploaded.